SbD4Nano goes face to face: General Assembly Meeting and Steering Board meeting

On October 13 and 14, 2022, Valencia was the secret Spanish capital of nanosafety as the SbD4Nano consortium gathered there (with some online participants). Our project members discussed the project status and where the path will lead in the remaining 18 project months. The main objective for the next period of time will be validating the SbD4Nano e-infrastructure, not only with experimental data but stakeholders.

To discuss the e-infrastructure tool development and how to integrate all the different aspects coming from all SbD4Nano work packages in detail, the SbD4Nano Steering Board met on November 10 and 11, 2022 in Leiden, Netherlands, at the brand-new premises of the partner TNO. All partners are working hard to integrate best the different Safe-by-Design aspects, such as hazard and exposure and identify how they relate to the envisaged material functionality and production costs. The challenge is now to translate our scientific results into a tool that helps its users to integrate Safe-by-Design in their R&D&I processes. Challenging and exciting months ahead!


SbD4Nano @ IRISS workshop on the application of the SSbD concept in materials and chemicals


Bioceramics 32