Industrial implementation and validation


Within work package six, a suite of case studies will be designed and conducted in real life situations covering all the components of the e-infrastructure to validate the performance of the system for Safe-by-Design (SbD) implementation.


Up to 10 case studies are scheduled for implementing and evaluating the e-infrastructure for developing safer structural and functional engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), coatings and cosmetics, as well pharmaceutical and health technology-based products. An active engagement of SMEs, large enterprises, regulatory bodies and researchers will be promoted to identify benefits, shortcomings and limitations of the e-infrastructure to real life situations involving human and environmental exposure. Case studies will apply the data, guidance, models and tools developed and integrated into the e-infrastructure. The data obtained from each case study after the implementation will be assessed in terms of applicability, uptake cost by the industry and benefits on the protection of human health and the environment.

The tasks to be conducted will include: the identification, analysis and categorisation of the nanotechnology value chain needs, the definition of the evaluation methods, case studies scope and performance indicators, the development of the case studies for testing and validation purposes under realistic scenarios of use, and the preparation of guidelines on SbD integration in industry’s innovation process. 

Key Outcome

A demonstration of the ability of the e-infrastructure for generating well-balanced SbD approaches.

Work Package Leader



