Safe-by-design computing infrastructure design and development 


The main objective of this package is to develop the e-infrastructure to select proven Safe-by-Design (SbD) approaches, control the exposure and ensure technical and economic performance based on severity, exposure, cost and product performance scores.


This package will work on the development of the web based e-infrastructure to assist stakeholders on the definition and selection of proper SbD strategies based on a calculated SbD performance index derived from the combination of toxicity, exposure, product performance and costs related scores of a certain engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) or nano-enabled products (NEPs) under expected condition of use at all stages of the life cycle.

The activities to be completed will include the definition of the system requirements and the development of the system architecture to further integrate the hazard exposure, cost and product performance indexes, the development and integration into the tool of the individual scores for the SbD performance index calculation, including the exposure scoring algorithm and related exposure and Risk Management Measures (RMMs) models under T5.2, the toxicity scoring algorithm and related tools for hazard profiling under T5.3, as well as the cost and product performance scoring algorithm under T5.4. The final tasks will work on the development and integration of the SbD performance index in the tool and the refinement of the e-infrastructure after validation studies and consultation with stakeholders.

Key Outcome

Integrated application for trusted information exchange, risk scoring and SbD approach definition.

Work Package Leader



